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Congressman Jamaal Bowman Visits the YPIE College Zone

YPIE was honored to host Congressman Jamaal Bowman at the YPIE College Zone on Friday, April 9th! Thank you to Congressman Bowman and his office for making this impactful community event come to life.

Congressman Bowman spent time with our young people sharing details about his path to Congress, speaking about policy priorities for his office, and encouraging our students to feel empowered to make change in their communities. Congressman Bowman also gave our students time to share their input on national policy discussions such as universal basic income as well as to share their testimony about life as a student in Yonkers.

We are so thankful that the Congressman was able to spend over an hour with our students on a Friday night! Congressman Bowman illustrated that he is committed to taking feedback from the young people in his district back with him to Washington D.C.

As always, we were so impressed by our YPIE students with their thoughtful questions, comments, and insights.

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