About the Artist

Hi my name is Jazlynne Gonzalez, I’m a Junior in Yonkers High School. I am a apart of the comic creation major at YPIE
About this Project

My comic is named Concealed irony. It’s about two siblings who stick together though thick and thin. The male sibling, Levi is an angel. The sister, Luna is a demon. They live in a place between Heaven and Hell called equilibrium.
The art style I chose to start with is chibi style.Chibi style characters look small and chubby. As I progress through this comic, I will gradually change the art style to a more traditional anime look.
I expect that by the end of the year, I will have a complete and enjoyable comic and develop better drawing techniques thought.
With the character Levi, I couldn’t decide at first whether to draw him with a little bit of detail and chibi or traditional and a lot of detail.
With the character Luna, I am still deciding what she will officially look like throughout the comic.