YPIE Staff Picks for Social Distancing
Thank you for being safe and staying at home!
Here are some ideas for using your time meaningfully during this period:
Academic Games & Study Tools
Keep your reading skills sharp with Read to Lead.
Share the books you are reading and make a list of books you want to read with GoodReads.
Supplement your learning with PBS Learning.
Watch a few TED Talks!
Learn a new language or brush up your language skills with the Duolingo app.
Practice typing and learn song lyrics!
Practice typing with keybr!
Comedy shows meant to inform: Caveat.
BrainPop is still really fun.
Google Arts & Culture have teamed up with over 500 museums and galleries around the world to bring everyone virtual tours.
Free Online Classes
Ranging from beginner’s sketching to online marketing, check out these 45 different opportunities for free classes online!
Explore 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free!
Take Yale’s most popular undergraduate class on The Science of Wellbeing online for free.
Helping Your Community
Learn about mutual aid networks.
Find a local mutual aid network and figure out how you can help.
Connect with young people across the country to fight climate change and take action with the Sunrise Movement.
Apply for a grant and training to help your local community! Peace First Rapid Response Grants
Staying Active & Mindful
Download a meditation app like Headspace to practice mindfulness and stay centered.
Get some ideas for staying healthy and active during coronavirus from the New York Times.
Try this mental health and wellness app Atlas.
Journal with creative writing prompts.
Want to feel like a K-Pop Star? Watch some dance tutorials.
Work on real-world finance skills.
For Younger Siblings
Tools to explain what a virus is to younger loved ones on PBS Kids.
Yoga for little ones.
Check out Mystery Science, which features videos such as Why Are Baby Animals So Cute?
Podcasts for little ones.
Audible is free for kids for as long as schools are closed!