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YPIE Fellow Application
Be a part of YPIE!
Join YPIE Fellows! Applying to college can be hard but you don't have to do it alone.
Work one-on-one with a YPIE College Advisor
Find the best-fit college for you
Get help writing your college essay
Receive assistance completing financial aid & scholarship forms
Important dates & deadlines:
Feel free to watch the info session recording here
Info Session: Tuesday March 1st at 6pm on Zoom (Spanish info available)
Application deadline: Tuesday March 15th at 11:59pm
Apply now!
All students are welcome to apply. Students who get the most out of our program usually are:
Juniors who are eligible for free/reduced lunch
Juniors who will be the first in their family to attend college in the U.S. (or whose older siblings were the first in their family to attend college in the U.S.)
Juniors who have a weighted GPA between 85-95
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